Discovering MORE® IVF: A new era in fertility solutions

Welcome to MORE®, which stands for Magnetic Ovulatory Restoration, a leading-edge approach in the world of fertility treatments. It steps beyond traditional methods to offer a promising pathway for those facing fertility challenges. Designed for individuals facing obstacles such as:
  • Age-related fertility concerns
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Repeated unsuccessful IVF cycles

The Vital Role of The Egg Cell in Conception

Eggs play a crucial role in the journey towards parenthood, far beyond carrying genetic information. They’re central to starting the process of life. The health and quality of these eggs are paramount. Factors like PCOS, Endometriosis, or simply aging can impact egg quality. In assisted reproduction, particularly IVF, focusing on the quality of eggs is key. It not only enhances the chances of conception but also paves the way for a hopeful future for those wishing to conceive with their own eggs.

Introducing MORE® IVF

IVF MORE® offers an advanced oocyte regeneration treatment, employing the latest in assisted reproduction technology to rejuvenate eggs. This unique painted procedure, boosted by magnetic fields, aims to improve egg quality and support embryonic development, representing a significant advancement in fertility care.

A Closer Look at MORE® IVF Process

Egg Banking:

The initial step is to collect a sufficient number of egg cells to establish a comprehensive collection. This may involve several retrieval attempts to gather the necessary quantity of eggs. Cryopreservation is utilized after each retrieval to preserve the eggs until the required amount is achieved for the next stages of the process.

Metabolic Diagnosis

We perform a detailed metabolic assessment on thawed oocytes, preparing them for an effective restoration.

Donor Cytoplasm Transfer:

By selecting high-quality cytoplasm from donor eggs, we enhance the patient’s oocytes, increasing their fertilization potential.

Specialized IVF:

Successful fertilization is achieved using state-of-the-art PICSI, with sperm prepared through advanced techniques, ensuring optimal outcomes.

Magnetic Field Culture:

Following fertilization, embryos are nurtured in a unique magnetic field, promoting their growth and development in preparation for a successful pregnancy.

Who Can Benefit from MORE® IVF?

MORE® IVF is ideal for:  
  • Those who have faced challenges with traditional IVF, searching for a new avenue to conceive using their own eggs.
  • Individuals experiencing a decline in egg quality due to aging or health conditions like Endometriosis and PCOS.
  • Pricing

    Starting at $110,000 USD, MORE® IVF represents an investment in your family’s future, utilizing groundbreaking technology to enhance fertility prospects.

    For anyone exploring fertility options abroad, MORE® IVF stands as a testament to what modern science can offer, bridging gaps and nurturing hopes for countless individuals dreaming of parenthood.